Seeing things? Well, it would seem that there is someone in Oddity who isn’t seeing for the most part, yet that won’t stop her from literally taking names in the process of searching for the truth, justice and quite a lot more. Irish actress Carolyn Bracken stars in the wild story that is this tale, as twin sisters- one of whom dies way too early to go through the entire trip and thus begins such a journey that fans of horror-thrillers will adore everywhere.
The film ‘Oddity’ is written and directed by Damian McCarthy and given its plot, at which i expected gradually developing revenge-karma in the movie, might feel a bit too slow, however once it ascends into the second and third acts which is palpating spinal knotting suspense, you would desire more and more by the time the showing credits pass. Under such leadership, IFC seems to be hunting quite a number of new pseudo-scary projects, past the brilliant In a Violent Nature this year. And now, just when I thought it couldn’t get any cooler during this hot, hot, hot season, Oddity steps in.
There is something quite bizarrely old-fashioned about the contemporary story that is Oddity – and there are plenty of reasons one would catch these throwback vibes. First off, it is the piece of real estate, where the “magic” also happens, i.e. the secluded country residence of Ted (Bohemian Rhapsody star Gwilym Lee) and his wife Dani Bracken. Do you recall those Bostonian country homes from Lars Von Trier’s very own Melancholia towards the end of the film and throughout the movie? You’re going to feel a similar thing in Oddity and it is a rather pleasing experience in thrilling ways.
Words such as vintage and also odd aptly describe this latest release from IFC, as worked into the plot was also the phrase given the movie its title: in the chilling and jarringly purposeful first sequence of this film, wife Dani is on great danger despite many but seemingly needless warnings of the trespassing but overly helpful Olin played by Tadhg Murphy, whose freshly released from jail on account of a thirteen years conviction for murdering his mom seems too desperate for both Olin and Dani. How the most unusual aspect of it is that he somehow seems to be aware that Dani is alone, yet in danger. And Ted’s coming home from work is just no help at all since it is at the same psychiatric hospital where Olin was confined for the last few years ran by Ted’s husband.
To make flashbacks even stronger, it’s been one year since Dani and everything about her has turned into memories captured in some photos or in one specific voice message that she left for her identical twin sister Darcy, claiming to have found a way to ‘connect’ both their spirits, moments before of course Death had to arrive at her door. Dealing with potential regret and self hatred, still grieving Dani plays the message again and again and almost certainly not only because of the love to the sister.
However a year on, Ted has already gotten a new girlfriend moving on from perhaps faithful where he still is Dani to the young and energetic Yana (Caroline Menton) who was still befriended by Ted before the horrible death of Dani. Yes, Oddity takes a page out of In the Violent Nature and spares no expense in its violent scenes.
Ted clearly understands that he cannot remain indifferently stuck where he is and does take active steps in development. The problem is that his sister-in-law’s day job happens to be running a curio shop that has a collection of items that would embarrass the most ambitious curio cabinets of Guillermo del toro. On the death anniversary of Dani, sister Darcy shows up and spends the night there against Ted’s avail as he is going for work which only leaves an unwilling Yana with this sightless, annoying and inquisitive figure more and more able to read her discomfort.
It does not also help that once more, Darcy is not convinced that it was Olin, the escaped member that had made an attempt to save Dani, who carried out the terrible act of violence against her a year before. That’s how Olin probably became, at least it’s what I think everyone is feeling in this country since Olin has killed someone back almost twenty years ago. But that would be the last occurrence of Olin alive and then Darcy somehow may or may not be a medium utilizes some skills she possesses within Ted’s very creepy home.
The tension then rises to purposely unbearable levels, and there are some very cold set pieces, because – again, let’s not forget – Darcy owns a rather creepy place, an antique shop and even takes a giant piece with which she pays a visit to Ted. Who’s this? And why does this have to be a terrifying wooden mannequin with some sort of treasure within? Yana wants to jump ship but of course has misplaced her car keys so naturally her interest boils over as she starts to investigate what on earth is wrong with Darcy and what exactly is all this sneaking around towards Ted’s property which is in a sorry state due to renovations.
So besides all those little elements all in one, and exciting and prorated all the main actors performances, the plot is impressively simple and rather haunting that one might even like to watch for more hours. The last, the ending just like that may or may not repeatedly seem to be controversial but I guess nobody will be very surprised that eventually there will be something along the continuation of the Oddity 2.
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